How to Overcome the Fears of Facing the Camera

In today’s world we are programmed to consume content every hour of every day. Whether we are on the bus, relaxing at home, or at the gym, the likelihood that we are engaging in some form of digital entertainment is incredibly high. This is something that most businesses have picked up on as the frequency of online advertisements have gone through the roof in recent years, with video being the most widely used format that we see.

Creating a promotional video for your company can increase your reach with customers and help you get your unique message across, as 72% of customers would rather learn about a product or service by way of video than read about it.


(Watch our short video on 3 tips to help boost your confidence in front of the camera!)

The reason why most of us hate being on film is because we feel uncomfortable, and this feeling translates through our bodies producing a messy and sometimes disappointing end-result. Our brain senses danger and our body seems to just shut down. All the personality and charm you usually bring to the table seems to vanish as soon as the camera starts to roll. But don’t worry, this is a totally natural experience and something that we all go through.

As people, we are hardwired to care what others think of us. We all want to be perceived well and nobody wants to make a fool of themselves. This emotion really comes to the fore when the camera starts rolling, sending a rush of adrenaline through our bodies which causes us to freeze up and encounter stage fright.

Talking directly to a camera and the absence of another person in the room to talk to can also make your filming experience harder. It creates an unnatural environment where you are talking to yourself and for many people this makes them feel embarrassed and awkward. You might be a great public speaker and be able to lead a meeting with confidence but when you’re alone and talking to no one in particular, you undoubtedly feel a bit strange.

Everyone does, and it’s no surprise as hardly any of us have had any practice with this before. Although overcoming this feeling of dread and tension will feel a long way off, it isn’t so hard once you take the first leap. Everyone has to start somewhere and it’s important to know that you’re not alone. Even the Brad Pitt’s and Emma Stone’s of the acting world have probably felt like this at one point in their lives!

If the feelings I’ve just described sound all too familiar to you, then read carefully the following tips on becoming more confident in front of the camera.

1). One of the most important tips is to try and make yourself as comfortable as possible. Shoot somewhere comfortable, wear your favourite outfit and take a deep breath. If it makes you feel better, try imagining you’re talking to someone else like your best friend or partner. Feeling good in yourself and making the situation feel as familiar as possible will help your confidence shine through, even if you’re secretly scared to death.

2). Write it down and plan what you want to talk about. There’s no use starting filming if you have no idea what you’re going to say. The added pressure of the lens is going to turn your brain into mush, so if you don’t plan beforehand, you’ll have a hard time getting your message across. Just before you start filming, try reading through what points you want to make as these should stay fresh in your mind when you’re put on the spot.

3). Don’t worry about being perfect – no one is expecting an Oscar-worthy performance. Sometimes small mistakes and pauses can make the shot feel more real and can show the audience your natural personality. It’s crucial to remember that there’s no pressure and if you stumble or forget what to say, you can always try it again. Shoot as many takes as you want and even if you think it went well, try another!

Follow these tips if you’re planning on getting in front of the camera soon and just remember to relax as much as you can, even if this feels impossible. No one can be a pro the first time they do this, but we hope these tips and tricks can help you on your way to producing your very own video production masterpiece.

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