How To Adapt Your Marketing Strategy During Coronavirus

In a time of mass turmoil, job losses, and vast uncertainty, people across the UK can be forgiven for having a slightly bleak outlook on their professional lives at the moment. COVID-19 has ripped up our usual way of living and ushered in a ‘new normal’: a world where we spend more time at home, more time online, and less time trading face to face with others. For many companies, adapting to this has been a challenge and one which has caused severe stress on multiple industries across the UK.

But despite probably the most turbulent time of any of our lives, you can still come out of 2020 in great shape – but only if you are willing to adapt. Businesses face challenges constantly and adapting to them is what separates the men from the boys. The challenge of a global pandemic is not something which many are accustomed to, but as we progress into the seventh month of the virus’s life there are some marketing tips which you could be doing to help stabilize and grow your company.

In the past few months, one in five small businesses has adopted new technologies due to the rapid increase in online activity during the lockdown. The average adult spends over 4 hours a day online nowadays and one in three now watches online videos more than traditional TV. Because people are spending massive amounts of time browsing the web, perfecting your online marketing strategy whilst involving fresh concepts is crucial.

The need to do this is even more pressing when you consider the fact that 60% of UK consumers admit to purchasing online more during the lockdown. The longer lockdown goes on, the more entrenched these behaviours will become meaning some markets and industries will see almost all of their trade move permanently online. With a gigantic online market, your public strategy must be able to grab the attention of potential consumers and we believe that incorporating video is a great way of achieving this.

Becoming a brand that delivers compelling, engaging content is a goal that all businesses should be striving to achieve in 2020. With more people spending time at home and online, there is a massive audience already online soaking up content at an alarming rate. Promoting your products and services is clearly a good way to connect with this new audience, but also consider posting more light-hearted, uplifting content as well. This content can be whatever you want it to be and doesn’t have to be totally relevant to what you are selling; it just has to be fun. At a time when many of us are anxious about what the future holds, providing some casual relief through a funny video will attract the engagement of potential customers who in time will start to know, like and trust your brand which could lead to future sales.

You can also use this opportunity to streamline your company’s communication methods. For obvious reasons, customers these days have a lot more questions about your daily operations and you might be struggling to answer all of them. By employing video as a regular communication tool, you can produce content that seeks to answer some of these questions before they are even asked. In the long run, this will save you time and money whilst showcasing your company as a reputable source of information.

Another tip to consider when modernizing your marketing methods is to promote cost-saving offers and provide support to your clients wherever possible. People are dying to save a penny here and there due to the current economic uncertainty, so if consumers see you posting an offer such as a free trial or 20% off, they may be inclined to try it despite not knowing much about your brand. From this small act of kindness, you can gain the respect and gratitude of these people and hopefully convert them into loyal customers further down the line.

Making the best of a bad situation is all anyone can do right now, but it is important during a national crisis not to act “business as usual”; because let’s face it, nothing is usual about the times we are living in. People are losing their loved ones, their jobs, and suffering from an isolated existence and it’s important as a company to acknowledge this. If you don’t, customers will perceive you to be insensitive and out-of-touch – which in the 21st century is quite rightly a huge barrier to success.

Finding the right tone and message can be challenging especially in a fast-changing situation, but your marketing strategy is pivotal in how you portray your brand and it deserves a great deal of attention. Now is the time to take a detailed look at your marketing strategy and adopt some new ideas, whether that be in the form of video or a more active social media.

The ‘consumer’ has never been more alert and never have consumer behaviours changed so rapidly. This is different from what you might be used to, but if you understand these changes and stay on top of your company’s actions, you can thrive and achieve even your most ambitious goals.

“Turmoil brings realization and realization brings discovery.”

Remember this… and remember that 2020 doesn’t have to be a lost year.

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