How To Create A Commercial Video

No matter what industry your business is in, it is likely that your potential buyers would rather see an informative commercial video than scroll down an endless page of text trying to find the most important info. With internet marketing and social media taking over our commercial lives, it is no wonder that video has evolved into the most valuable marketing method in the modern world.

Its importance is reflected in the fact that a lot of companies are now choosing a video to spearhead their marketing campaigns – and maybe you are too?


If so, you’ve come to the right place.


But rather than bog you down with the ins and outs of shot lists, camera apertures, and colour grading, we’re going to give you some quick and simple tips on how to create an effective commercial video.

1. Think about your audience.

When it comes to planning a commercial video, your target audience has to be at the heart of everything you do. From the setting, the lighting, the editing and the script, every aspect of your video should have the purpose of engaging your intended audience and future customers. At the end of the day, you are making your commercial video in order to progress and improve your business; something you cannot do without customers.

2. Think about the video’s purpose.

Are you making this video to inform, entertain or just to help promote your brand name? Knowing exactly what you want to achieve with your film is crucial as it can impact so many different elements. If you are informing the viewer about a product then make sure to provide a lot of visual stimulus and show how your product works and what makes it unique. Or maybe you don’t have a standout product, you just want people to get to know you. A video can achieve this as you can give the audience a taste of your personality and open them up to the narrative of your company’s story.

3. Make the first few seconds count.

In today’s world, online consumers watch a LOT of videos; but they also have a pretty short attention span. If you don’t grab them in the first few seconds then unfortunately they are likely to switch you off and switch on something else. With the mind-boggling abundance of videos online, you have to make sure your clip stands out and is of high enough quality to keep viewers hooked until the end. In order to grab the audience’s attention early, try starting with a question about a common issue or show something about your brand that will wow them. Concentrating on nailing these first few seconds is a crucial aspect of commercial filmmaking – one which many business owners often neglect.

4. Have fun with it!

No one wants to watch a boring video, so get creative when planning your script and think outside the box. Adopt a strategy of “no idea is a bad idea”, because when it comes to creating a video the more fun and passion that has gone into making it, the better the end result. If this idea involves you personally going in front of the camera and that is making you feel a little uncomfortable, then don’t worry, this is completely normal. Just take a deep breath, relax, and remember that you can always do another take if you don’t quite master the first one, two, or even twenty attempts! Being confident and having fun will make the video a lot easier to produce, leaving you with a final product that will make people take notice and smile.

Creating a commercial video isn’t always a walk in the park. But follow these tips and get in touch if you have any more questions. We’d love to hear from you!

Leo Bownas
Lead Researcher & Producer


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